Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hurry up and stroll

Since moving to the Philippines, especially here in Makati, I've found it extremely hard to pin down the pace things move at. Case in point: While walking down the street, it's not uncommon to be behind a group of several Filipinos moving at a very casual pace, usually three abreast on the sidewalk, thus making it difficult to pass without looking like an impatient American ass. Cool. I moved here to slow it down a bit, so this is something I'm working on rolling with.

Here's where it gets interesting. This same group, when they reach the intersection, lose their casual demeanor, suddenly making it a game of Frogger, seeing if they can cross against the light without getting mowed down by one of the city's crazed taxi driver or a McDonald's delivery motorcycle.

What's the hurry? Making up of time lost on the rest of the block? Surprisingly, I've never seen anyone taken out, but I sense it's only a matter of time. Crossing at the proper time and location is dangerous enough. Anthony Bourdain described it best when he said "I'm already learning the method of crossing the street. It's all about momentum and commitment, right? It's better if you just closed your eyes." Good advice, the only problem being is then I'll never figure out where everyone is rushing to. Safe crossing, kids...

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